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AppMySite supports the core functionality of WordPress and WooCommerce to help you convert your website into a premium mobile app. However, when it comes to specific plugins, here’s what you need to know:
The advanced Web View feature ensures seamless integration of any WordPress plugin functionality into your app. The Web View is designed to replicate a native app-like experience, maintaining the look and feel of a premium app.
All features and designs of your WordPress site, including those powered by plugins, will render perfectly in the app.
With advanced Web Views, your app users won’t feel the difference between a native integration and a Web View feature.
Use the or test your app on the AppMySite Demo app to ensure the plugin works as expected.
Find out how you can configure web-view settings in your app using the guide below:
While many popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins are natively supported, we cannot guarantee compatibility for all plugins due to the wide variety available (over 50,000 plugins).
By combining native features and advanced Web Views, AppMySite ensures a smooth app experience, regardless of the plugins your website uses.