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You can invite any user to your Apple developer account to manage your app on the App Store.
Access to Apple developer accounts can only be given to a user if you have signed up for an organisation plan. If you signed up for an individual developer account on Apple, a user will not be able to assist you with submitting your app.
Follow the steps below to invite a user to your Apple developer account:
Open the Users and Access from the top menu.
Click on the + button. You can find it in the top-left corner of the page.
Under the New User section, enter the following details of the user that you wish to invite:
First Name
Last Name
Assign the Admin or App Manager role to the user.
Enable access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
Click Invite to send an invite to the new user’s email address.
The new user can then accept the invite in their mailbox to finish the process.
The new user will be able to login to the Apple Developer Portal with a newly created user account.
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